Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Babysitter for Hire

My very first job ever was babysitting for our next door neighbor's son, Manny.  I was about 7-8 years old, and he was about 3, as I remember.  I would go over to their house in the afternoons, and "babysit" Manny ... which meant that I played games with him in his room while his Mom did housework or worked on projects, or just had a minute to take a breath for goodness sake.

It was a pretty cool job, since I never really had to make a decision - I was 7, remember, so that was a good thing - and I could always call Manny's Mom if things got out of control.  Manny was a good kid, and my memories are that we had lots of fun.

But the best part of was the amazing amount of cash that I was able to take home after a day (ok, 2-3 hours) of hard work (ok, play) at this great babysitting gig.  I was rich, I tell you!  Rich!!!   I received the astounding wage of 25 cents a day!  Fantastic wealth!  All mine! 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I know it was not so many years ago, but you would think you would have received at least some kind of raise since then! Haha!
